A smile is one of our most significant features. It’s often one of the first things people notice about one another, and it’s a great expression of emotion.

However, if you have a chipped or discolored tooth, your smile may be causing you more angst than happiness. This may cause you to avoid smiling in public, negatively impacting your mental health, self-esteem, and confidence.

Thankfully, some cosmetic procedures, such as dental bonding, can help with chipped, damaged, or discolored teeth. But what can you expect from the dental bonding procedure, and is it right for you?

Keep reading to know more about this dental treatment, because this blog examines everything you need to know. Afterward, you should know if this treatment is suitable for you.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding, or composite bonding, is one of several cosmetic dentistry procedures you can undergo to correct problems with your teeth. This dentistry treatment is used to repair teeth that:

  • Have suffered damage
  • Are chipped
  • Are discolored

It can also close gaps or change the tooth’s shape. The dentist uses a tooth-colored composite resin to restore the tooth.

Dental bonding is a reversible procedure, unlike other cosmetic dentistry options like veneers, which require some enamel to be removed from the tooth before it can adhere to it. Unfortunately, dental bonding doesn’t last as long as veneers and must be touched up every three to ten years.

Before the Dental Bonding Procedure

The first step to fixing your tooth is to make a dentist appointment. This is essential because you can discuss your tooth trouble with your cosmetic dentist and ask any questions before going further.

After this initial appointment, your dentist will require you to return for another, where they will take dental X-rays and inspect your teeth and gums. Once your dentist is satisfied and has cleared you for the procedure, you will book your dental bonding appointment.

If you have any oral health problems, the dentist may require you to have them seen before proceeding with the dental bonding procedure.

During the Dental Bonding Procedure

Now that you’ve reviewed the assessment appointment, let’s look at what you can expect from the dental bonding procedure. There are several steps your dentist will take, and you can expect the treatment to take between 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.

1. Shade Selection

The first thing your cosmetic dentist will do is match a composite resin material to your other teeth. They will do this by using a shade guide to match the color of your natural teeth accurately.

2. Tooth Preparation

The next step in the dental bonding procedure is tooth preparation. This is where your dentist will roughen the surface of your tooth by removing a small amount of enamel. A conditioning liquid is applied afterward to help assist the bonding process.

3. Resin Application

Once it’s suitably prepared, your cosmetic dentist will apply the composite resin material to the tooth. This material is then molded, shaped, and smoothed to match the rest of your smile.

4. Curing

It must be cured to set the resin material and bond it to your tooth. Your dentist will use a curing light created for this particular purpose. This curing process is necessary to harden the resin.

5. Tooth Polishing

The final step in the dental bonding procedure is to finish it off. Your dentist will do this by polishing the tooth after making any final adjustments leaving you with a perfect smile.

Dental Bonding Aftercare

After your dental bonding procedure, you may experience some sensitivity, but this should be temporary. If the sensitivity becomes too much, you can use mild painkillers to help relieve the pain.

After you’ve undergone dental bonding, maintaining proper oral care is vital. You can do this by:

  • Brushing twice a day
  • Using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Using a soft toothbrush
  • Flossing once a day
  • Schedule regular dental health checkups

You won’t need special care after your dental bonding procedure; however, you should be aware that the bonding material can chip if you’re not mindful. If you notice your tooth repair has become compromised, book a dental visit and have it seen immediately.

Finding a Cosmetic Dentist

Selecting the right one when searching for a cosmetic dentist to perform a dental bonding procedure is vital.

You want to enquire about the quality of the materials they use, ask for references, check their credentials and training, and evaluate the cost. Remember, cheaper is not always better when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.

Questions About Dental Bonding

The dental bonding process is one of the more straightforward cosmetic dentistry treatments, but you may still have some questions. Let’s review some common questions people ask about dental bonding.

Q: Is a bonded tooth noticeable?

A: If your dentist has selected the right resin shade for your dental bonding, it should be imperceivable from your natural teeth. People should not be able to notice you’ve had this dental treatment.

Q: How long does dental bonding last?

A: This answer is dependent on your dental care practices. If you take proper care of your teeth, your dental bonding treatment can last up to ten years before needing to be touched up.

Q: How many visits to the dentist will I need?

A: Aside from the initial consultation and assessment, you will only require one dental appointment for the tooth bonding procedure.

Q: Do I need to use special toothpaste?

A: Teeth that have undergone dental bonding don’t require special toothpaste. However, when buying toothpaste, ensure it has fluoride to help keep your teeth healthy.

Understanding the Right Cosmetic Dental Procedures for You

A chipped or discolored tooth can be embarrassing and cause you to avoid smiling in public situations. Thankfully, you can correct it with a minor cosmetic dentistry procedure called dental bonding. Understanding what happens before and during the dental bonding procedure is essential because it will help you feel more comfortable when making an appointment.

If you feel your smile isn’t where you want it to be, contact us today. At Slone Dental in Lexington, KY, we offer first-class care and achieve five-star results. Our services include cosmetic and general density and smile science.