Did you know that around 61% of people lack confidence in their smile? For some, refusing to smile in pictures is a simple matter of discoloration. For others, it’s missing or crooked teeth. 

No matter what tooth-related issue has you feeling down, full-mouth restoration can help. Full-mouth restoration is a complete treatment plan that fixes several problems simultaneously. 

The question is, what will you spend? Full-mouth restoration cost can vary depending on several factors. Check out this guide to learn what you can expect. 

Type of Restoration

As stated above, dental reconstruction involves fixing several dental issues spanning the entire mouth. 

Depending on your needs, your dentist may suggest using dental implants, crowns, dentures, veneers, or bridges. As you can imagine, each of these procedures comes at a different price point. 

Dental Crowns

If you only have one or two teeth that need fixing, your dentist will most likely suggest using a dental crown. This involves reshaping the tooth to provide a stronger base for the crown. 

From there, the dentist will make an impression of the tooth and send it out to a lab. You’ll receive a temporary crown until the actual one comes back.

The entire procedure will cost around $1,700. You may spend a little more, depending on how many crowns you need.


Dentures are a budget-friendly way to restore missing teeth. It will likely cost around $1,000. Maybe even less if you don’t opt for the premium ones. 

Dentures do have their drawbacks because they aren’t fixed to the mouth the same way as crowns and implants. They tend to slip out when you don’t want them to. 

This being said, having a set of dentures will restore your smile. They take on the appearance of natural teeth, and you’ll have all the bite force needed to continue enjoying the foods you love. 

Dental Implants 

Dental implants are the most popular dental reconstruction procedure. They’re durable and have the potential to last longer than any other option available to you. 

The downside is that dental implants can be expensive. For both top and bottom implants, you could end up spending over $30,000.

Endosteal Implants

There are different types of implants available based on your needs. The first is endosteal. These implants are fused to the jawbone.

While the procedure for endosteal implants can be invasive, they last longer than the other types available. Endosteal implants often require two dental visits.

During the first visit, the dentist will fuse the implant to your jawbone. Once you heal, you’ll go for the second appointment which involves attaching the artificial tooth. 

Subperiosteal Implants 

Subperiosteal implants rest on top of the jawbone instead of being inserted into it. Your dentist should be able to complete the entire procedure in a single visit. 

You see, in the case of endosteal implants, the abutment of the implant remains mostly covered. The dentist has to expose it before attaching the artificial tooth. In short, this will require a second minor surgery. 

With subperiosteal implants, the abutment is already exposed, so there’s no need for a second procedure to attach the tooth. 

Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants aren’t used as often as subperiosteal or endosteal implants. They’re necessary in instances where the patient doesn’t have enough jawbone left to work with. 

That doesn’t mean that they’re dangerous. They have a high success rate, much like the other implant options available. The difference is that they’re placed within the cheekbone. 


Dental veneers are shells that restore a tooth by fitting over the top of it. They’re the perfect solution for cracks, stains, and chips. They can also fill gaps and fix teeth that are too small. 

The price can vary depending on the type of veneers you get. For example, composite veneers are cheaper, but they’re mostly used to cover mild imperfections. 

Either way, veneers are one of the more expensive options. You’ll spend almost $1,000 per tooth. 


Dental bridges can help replace missing teeth and restore your bite function by literally bridging a gap in your smile. Traditional bridges consist of a cap on two ends of a support structure. There are also cantilever bridges that only have a single cap on one end. 

Traditional bridges can come to around $5,000. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, Maryland bridges might be a better option. They use metal wings to put the bridge in place instead of crowns. 

Other Cost Factors 

The type of dental restoration you choose is only one factor when determining price.

You may end up with a higher bill based on sedation, the number of visits required to complete your procedure, and the number of procedures you need. 


There are a few different ways that your dentist can sedate you in preparation for your procedure. The three most common are oral medication, gas, and an IV. 

The cheapest option is gas. Depending on the amount of gas your dentist has to use, it will cost up to $100 extra dollars. No matter what type of sedation the dentist uses, opting to have it will save you money in the long run. 

When the dentist is able to sedate you, they’ll be able to do more in a single appointment, reducing the number of times you have to sit in the chair. 

Number of Visits

In the case of certain dental restoration options, your dentist will be able to complete the entire procedure in a single visit. 

However, there are instances where you may need to go in for more than one appointment. If that happens, your bill will go up. 

Number of Procedures

Your dentist may need to correct other dental issues before they can delve into your restorative procedure.

If they don’t make these corrections, the results of your dental restoration may not last. It will also reduce your chances of experiencing complications.  

Full-Mouth Restoration Cost: Take Back Your Smile

Full-mouth restoration cost can vary, depending on the procedure you require. Your bill could go up based on sedation and the number of procedures you need as well. 

At Slone Dental, we will take care of you through every step of restoring your smile in our judgment-free office. Contact us today for your virtual consultation!